
Skeleton archers eternium
Skeleton archers eternium

skeleton archers eternium skeleton archers eternium skeleton archers eternium

If a player lands a hit it will interrupt its aiming, so a quick player can prevent it from firing a single shot. There is a small delay before the first arrow is shot, during which the Skeleton Archer is vulnerable to attack.Skeleton Archers rarely shoot the first arrow accurately, slowly adjusting aim, so moving around makes it almost impossible for them to hit the player, as does standing above.Several simple pit traps (7 blocks deep) can be very effective against such enemies as Skeleton Archers and Armored Skeletons.Arrows fired by the Skeleton Archer are not retrievable by the player.Unlike Armored Skeletons, Skeleton Archers cannot open doors.Flaming Arrows shot by the Skeleton Archer are not extinguished by water.

Skeleton archers eternium